Monday, May 15, 2006

Catching up with old friends

Went home at the weekend to see my parents. Dad seems to be ok. Doesn't talk about things much but that's understandable. I finally managed to catch up with my friends too. I seem to be the only one not having any serious issues at the moment, which is unusual! Steven hates his job and is worried that he is drinking too much. Billy and Katy are having all sorts of problems due to the reappearence of Katy's mental dad. It's really not a nice situation.

It made me realise how much I had missed my friends from home. I hadn't seen them in person since February - eek! I'm trying to organise for them to come through here one night for dinner. I'll need to try and get them to come to London too when we move!

I was a bit ill on Sunday morning - sickness and the squits (as they call it in Theme Hospital). All day yesterday, I had weird pains in my stomach every time I ate something. It was most strange. Thankfully, I feel a lot better now.

The weather here is rotten today. I don't quite know what to do with myself. Graeme is off to London, so I'm on my ownsome all day. I need to get stuff organised for Scrapaganza (bounce) and finish off some other bits and pieces. I could also do some work on my bardic gwersu. First thing I have to do is tidy this tip of a flat up though!


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