Wednesday, September 13, 2006

So, yeah I graduated (again)

One of the things I missed posting about during the internet blackout was my PhD graduation. It was held on 14 July and allowed me to spend a lovely day with my parents before heading down to London.

It was a beautiful sunny day and I was pretty happy that I got a lovely robe and hood. Some of the colours are pretty dreadful! I met some people who I worked with at the medical school, who were graduating with me. It made me feel less awkward that a lot of people seem to take a bit of time to get their PhD finished. The ceremony was up to Edinburgh Uni’s usual standard – how many graduands can we graduate in an hour?! However, for a moment (probably a nanosecond) I felt proud.

Now, anyone who knows me will know that this has been a matter of contemplation for a while. When I finally completed my PhD and had my viva, I didn’t feel the tiniest bit accomplished. There was no “wow, what a great achievement” just “thank goodness it’s over”. It was like I had become numb to the whole experience. I found this worrying and bit strange to say the least.

I think it’s only now that I am reaping some of the rewards of my PhD that I am realising how worthwhile all the stress was. It’s also completely mental having people refer to me as Doctor :o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That is an amazing achievement.

3:23 pm  

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